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Surfer Dudes Classics Series 2

4G Surfer Dudes parts (Classics or Legends) do not fit 3G Surfer Dudes (Classics or Legends). Check for the 4G or 3G symbols in the top right corner of each product image to make sure any Pets you order will fit your Surfer Dudes!

Surfer Dudes Classics are the ultimate beach toy! Toss them into the waves and watch them surf. Thanks to their self-righting design, they'll catch the waves and surf back to you again and again. Made from durable materials, they’re built to withstand endless hours of sun and surf. Plus, with no sharp edges or small parts, they’re safe for kids 6 and up. Whether you’re at the beach or pool, Surfer Dudes Classics are the original ocean toys guaranteed for family fun. Order yours today!
  • Born Hanalei. Surfing was everywhere Harry grew up and he quickly came to love it. Surfed a 10 ft wave when he was 10, 11 at 11, 12 at 12, has kept the streak going strong every year. Looking forward to being 30. Believes surfing should be for the soul, not trophies. His calm, friendly demeanor has won him countless friends and surfin’ partners. Pipeline Pearl insists Harry has surfing, “all figured out.” Idolizes legendary surfer Waikiki Woodie, a retiree who spends his days surfing everywhere in Hawaii with his dog, Curl. Spots Woodie’s famed “Wagon” often driving into sunsets. Despite his best efforts, has yet to catch up with Woodie and Curl, but looks forward to meeting them.

    Mantra: “The greatest peace is found inside the biggest waves!”
    Home Break: Hanalei Bay (“but you might also find me at Tunnels Beach and Hideaways Beach”)
    Fave Surf Spot: “Waimea Bay, where I often see Aussie Alice and hope to see Woodie and Curl”
    Bust Out Move: Soul Arch
    Fuels up on: Pineapple, Kona coffee, poke, poi, the occasional Moco Loco, malasadas at Leonard’s—"maybe I’ll finally catch up with Woodie and Curl there”
    Best Surf Memory: “Spotting Woodie and Curl while riding waves at sunset but still can’t catch them!”
    Best Beach Buds: Aussie Alice, Pipeline Pearl and Crystal, H2O—"Hawaii is full of fascinating surfers!”
    When Not Surfing: Luaus with friends, and trying to catch up with Woodie and Curl to meet them
    Advice for groms: “Life is like surfing: if you start losing your balance, just step forward!”

    Born Port Elizabeth, now Gqeberha. Enjoyed countless family trips to J-Bay where he learned to love surfing. But watching planes at nearby Stuurman formed his dream to work on planes. Studied hard, earned his Engineering degree at Durban, then headed to Embry-Riddle in America to pursue his master’s in aerospace engineering. First job after graduating was helping maintain planes for the Blue Angels. Became good friends with Long Beach Larry. Larry had always wanted to surf J-Bay and was thrilled to meet a fellow surfer who had practically grown up there. Their first experience surfing J-Bay together was over the top. Now they get together and go there every year.

    Mantra:Work hard, study hard, surf hard!
    Home Break: Port Elizabeth—“visiting family is important!”
    Fave Surf Spot: “J-Bay, of course!”
    Bust Out Move: Riding the barrel
    Fuels up on: Braai (South African BBQ); “for something sweet, Malva pudding or koeksisters”
    Best Surf Memory: “Tubing with Long Beach Larry and painting surf hard! on Trestles’ sidewalk!”
    Best Beach Buds: Long Beach Larry, Finley (“still can’t believe a dolphin flew a plane”), Trestles Tim, Supertubes Samantha
    When Not Surfing: Working on planes, figuring out when he can out surf Trestles Tim a second time
    Advice for groms: “School first, then surf, the waves will still be there!”

    Born Newport (Rhode Island, but Naomi often keeps that a secret). Varied interests when growing up. Eventually settled on three priorities: surfing, music, and visiting every Newport on the planet. So far, 25 down including many in the UK, but still 39 to go! Never seems to stay in one place too long. On a constant adventure across the world searching for great beaches, especially any Newport, and new friends. Known for her cheery attitude and skill with her beloved acoustic guitar and tenor sax. Takes lots of photos, known all over the best surfing beaches for her endless surfing posts and videos online. Local surfers are always excited to hear she’s visiting their Newport next!

    Mantra:“The best surfer is the one having the most fun!”
    Home Break: Still Rhode Island—“can’t get back as much as I want but call my Mom every day!”
    Fave Surf Spot: Any place with Newport in its name or surf on its beach, preferably both!
    Bust Out Move: Curve into reentry
    Fuels up on: Calamari, stuffies, clam cakes & chowder, johnnycakes, coffee milk & doughboys, pizza strips; “hard to find them all except back home, but they are all delicious”
    Best Surf Memory: “Once saw a dinosaur surfing with a turtle, still can’t believe my eyes!”
    Best Beach Buds: Outer Banks Olivia, Donegan Doolin, and whoever their newest friends are
    When Not Surfing: Jamming and chatting with locals and friends, updating her travel blog
    Advice for groms:Everyone has something to teach you about life—take time to listen!”

    Born North Carolina on the Outer Banks—OBX to many. Parents were wide-ranging surfers, settled in North Carolina long enough for Olivia to be born. From the time she walked and swam, Olivia was clearly a surfing prodigy. Often stayed up at night with her parents, watching videos of great surfers like Bali Bobbi and Surf City Sally. Would work their moves into her routines in the coming days. Excelled in school, earned a master’s degree in physics (which she insists has helped perfect her Carves) at Stanford, captained the Cardinals surf team! Often found at surfing competitions, dazzling spectators and frustrating her competition. Enjoys competing with Trestles Tim.

    Mantra:Good surfers win; great ones carry their friends on their shoulders to victories!”
    Home Break: Cape Hatteras
    Fave Surf Spot: “Anywhere my Mom and Dad are, and surfing with them”
    Bust Out Move: Carve 360
    Fuels up on: Loves BBQ’s, especially on the beach, fried green tomatoes and hush puppies
    Best Surf Memory:Any time I beat Trestles Tim!”
    Best Beach Buds: Trestles Tim, Surf City Sally, Newport Naomi, and “my MOM and DAD!”
    When Not Surfing: Offering free surf lessons, watching surf and cat videos—"how did Tahiti Nikki ever get Meowi to surf with her; I thought cats didn’t like the water?”
    Advice for groms: “Never give up! Anything worth doing takes effort and practice, lots of practice!”

    Born San Diego. Won his first major surf competition before he mastered multiplication tables. His Mom likes to tell everyone on the beach it was before Tim could walk, but that’s just his Mom exaggerating again. Proud of his radical tricks and stylish moves. Lost a competition to J-Bay Jack…once…and never since—though being over 10,000 miles apart doesn’t give J-Bay Jack too many chances to make it two. Loves all three Trestles: typically warms up at Upper, relaxes at Middle, sometimes stops at The Church on his way to Lower Trestles to compete. Was elated when the California Brown Pelican was removed from the endangered species list a decade ago.

    Mantra:Live to surf, surf to win!”
    Home Break: Trestles Beach
    Fave Surf Spot: Trestles from Cottons on down; loves the sidewalk graffiti on the way to the beach—"a big shoutout to whoever wrote “surf hard!” on the sidewalk”
    Bust Out Move: “My legendary Floater; some say it looks like I can ride a lip for miles and miles”
    Fuels up on: “So many great places nearby; how about fish & chips at Seasurf Fish Company?”
    Best Surf Memory: “Overhearing Mom tell “fables” to others about my surfing exploits!”
    Best Beach Buds: Outer Banks Olivia, Cloud 9 Cody, J-Bay Jack
    When Not Surfing: Campaigning to bring world competitions back to Trestles
    Advice for groms: “Beaches are simply paradise so please take care of yours!”

    • Award-winning surfing toy
    • Harnesses the energy of the surf—no batteries or wind-up required
    • Just toss your Surfer Dudes into the waves and watch them surf!
    • Patented self-righting design catches waves and surfs back to you again and again
    • Hours and hours of fun for the whole family!
    • NO batteries or wind-up required; uses the energy of the surf!
    • The perfect toy for outdoor fun in the surf
    • World’s First (and Only!) Surf Boomerang!®
    • Interchangeable parts, thousands of unique combinations possible
    • The perfect beach gift…fun in the pool; better than a rubber duck in the tub!
    • Includes Dude, wing, skeg, and unsinkable surfboard
    • 5 Surfer Dudes® Classics to choose from!
    • Classics do not include Surfer Pets® but you can add them